KLICK THE DICK ebook now on sale -- 99¢

Who never had a bad first day on a job?
Not P-I Klick, the Dick--that's for sure!
A day is 24 hours, and since Clyde Thomas Klick is issued his state private investigator lianes right before the court's five-o'clock end-of-day, well, time is money and both are burning quick!
Investigating, subpoena serving, finding bond jumpers--it's not as easy as it looks!
But Klick's motto--I find it quick--is no empty brag!
Even though he's a PI--aka a 'Dick'--Klick considers himself a blue-collar worker chasing the American Dream: Wife, kids, home.... Unfortunately, like for many others, that Dream is hard to maintain.
From working sercurity favors for his best friend (with pay, of course), to catching cheating husbands, dealing with his own dirvoce, to finding errant, car-stealing lovers, the man stays busy. Klick is nothing if not a worker-bee.
Follow two deadly days where Klick may lose everything--but a man has got to make a living...if he survives...
Blue-collar private investigator Klick just can't seem to catch a break. Evenwhen he does, it's the kind of break that could kill him.
Dealing with his divorce, old loves and new, favors for friends, Klick meanders from getting the dirt for the cheated to protecting a movie star to hunting a possible serial killer. Just a normal two days in the life of a private eye. Except...the murder of a loved one is never normal...
Klick, Fathers and Sons is the second novel featuring Fort Worth private 'dick' Thomas Clyde Klick.
Klick, independent private investigator, blue-collar ideals or not, has slow times just like any self-employed business experiences.
So why not read a book? Even better, read it for free, thanks to those modern book stores with nice comfy lounge chairs. Who knows, it might even lead to a job.
And to get paid with free books!? So the job comes with a little risk and potential for bruises--but we're talking free books!
And 'risk' is a given in the life of a P-I....
Spouses cheating on their partners and then cheating them in divorce court with lies, give P-I Klick a call. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
And Klick is that someone--specially if he wants to pay his rent and child support...not in that order, of course.
Following someone to obtain evidence for Divorce Court is indeed a dirty job--and mucho dangerouso for Fort Worth P-I, Klick.
Oh, he'll get the job done. Just a question of whether or not he can make it to court if he's dead...
Klick didn't learn his lesson from a previous custody case he got involved in--and almost killed him.
He's at it again, this time involving Dark Internet material.
From Fort Worth, Texas, to Canada and Washington State, the case gets messier and messier--and more dangerous not only for Klick, but his friends as well.
But has that ever stopped him before...
An attempt on his life at home seems to have been contracted from out of state--hinting it's pesonal.
This prompts Klick to travel to Washington State to track down the killer.
He's alone, and no friends to back him up this time.
New redhead potential love interest? Pissed off cops? And an old foe?
Attacks continue, and Klick finds himself trapped like a duck out of water...
Klick finds getting a private invesigator license in his new Washington State home ain't so easy--specially when a District Attorney with an agenda throws a monkey-wrench into the process.
But a man's gotta work...to pay 'The Man'...
So Klick picks up a protenction gig for a Canadian bus compnay, while on the sly trying to solve--and stop--bus hijackings.
As usual, Klick gets in over his head--only he has no friends to back him up...or does he?
Milam Keith Smith grew up in the city of Fort Worth, Texas. Moved there at the age of one--he still remembers arriving at the old T&P station downtown--by his parents from a small East Texas town, he grew up on the southern edge of a growing small city, and was able to enjoy the benefits of a city as well as the wilderness that wouldn't be developed for over a decade. Hunting, fishing, swimming in Deer Creek, he walked the neighborhood and fields barefooted, and biked often to downtown and Forest Park, specially the old round swimming pool, where he practiced diving, eventually able to hold his breath for four minutes! An even better time than bigger, older kids.
Moved south 30 miles to Cleburne his sophomore high school year by a widowed father, he earned a reputation to fight all comers in the Cleburne High hallways. He even faced off with a senior after school while still just a sophmore--fifteen years before the movie 3 O'clock High.
After high school, he worked in fields baling hay, trained as an electrician and built mobile homes, packed fiberglass, flipped hamburgers in his burger joint, soldiered in the US Army, been a journalist and newspaper editor, delivered everything from newspapers to bread to manufactured goods, sorted mail, became a black belt and instructed martial arts students, worked with the homeless, studied law and won (and lost) civil and criminal cases in courtrooms.
Finally, he returned to college, earned a BA in English Literature to become a state-certified High School English Teacher. His experiences and travels and observations come to bear in his current life writing crime novels, speculative fiction and screenplays.
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